
Geng, K., Wang, Y., Cherchi, E. & Guarda, P., 2023. Commuter departure time choice behavior under congestion charge: Analysis based on cumulative prospect theory. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 20, 55-71.

Guarda, P., Harvey, N., & Muñoz, J.C., 2023. Uncovering the influence of time perception on decision-making about time. Submitted for review at Journal of Mathematical Psychology. Preprint available at

Astroza, S., Guarda, P., Carrasco, J., 2022. Modeling the relationship between food purchasing, transport, and health outcomes: Evidence from Concepcion, Chile. Journal of Choice Modelling 42, 100341.


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A prospect theory of route choice with context-dependent reference points


A prospect theory model of route choice with context dependent reference points from Pablo Andrés Guarda Rosas

Using prospect theory to investigate cross national and gender differences in the (dis)like for waiting and travelling in public transport


Using prospect theory to investigate cross national and gender differences in the (dis)like for waiting and travelling in public transport from Pablo Andrés Guarda Rosas

A Psychological Approach to Understand Decisions About Time in Public Transport: Evidence from lab experiments in London, UK and Santiago, Chile


Route choice experiment

The experiment was conducted with 72 university students from London, UK (50%) and Santiago, Chile (50%), who were randomly assigned into four experimental conditions. The experiment was fully programmed in Python and the code is publicly available in my github repository [link]. The following four videos show the four experimental conditions.


Unkwnown waiting times

Known waiting times

Numeric information

